This summer I was at the beach with 8 of my stinkiest boy cousins. I was the only girl! When we got in the carts one of my cousins said “I’m gonna beat you!” I was angry at him I said “good luck!” with an angry face. All of a sudden I heard BEEEPPP!!! That meant go. I pushed the pedal down as hard as I could. My leg was locked with my foot shaking. I zoomed right passed him. He gave me a mad look while I just laughed. At last I got to the front. I felt the wind blowing in my hair, the sound of the waves crashing down on the surface. I felt alive I never wanted to end, but it ended. When we pulled into the pit stop my cousin said “good job!” I said “thank you.” With a big grin on my face. At the end of the day I knew you could have fun anywhere, anytime, and with anybody. That was the best experience EVER!